Impact on the fashion industry

Impact on the fashion industry

Fashion is a multi-billion-dollar industry that has considerable impact on the way ordinary people dress and present themselves. But there is more to fashion than the different articles of clothing, fashion is made up of designers, buyers, retailers, editors, and columnists. While all parties work together to create an image, all of these parties can simultaneously be affected by outside forces, especially blogs. Fashion is trend-driven and fashion blogs provide a new way to follow and oversee these fast-paced trends, it is likely that the blogoshepere will have a considerable long-term influence on the industry, as the number of fashion based blogs continue to grow.


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  2. We can say about fashion manufacturing is the highest growing industry as it is highly paid and includes fame as well.

  3. What is great about fashion accessories is that they come in myriad kinds of designs and makes and are loved by everyone from school kids, teenagers, women to even boys and men, depending of course on the type of accessory it is. However, for the most part, they are used by girls and women who love to purchase fashion accessories for all their outfits and are often never satisfied, however large a collection they may possess. Unlike, jewellery that is precious and limited for a few special occasions, fashion accessories is suitable for everyone and for every occasion.
